Teaching Staff List

Dr. Pann Ei San

Name: Dr. Pann Ei San

Position: Lecturer

Degree: Ph.D (Electronics), Chongqing University, China

Phone No: 09450029893

Email: dr.panneisan@gmail.com

Working Experience: 13 years (2006-2019)

-Demonstrator from 2006 to 2010 (TU Dawei)

-Assistant Lecturer from 2010to 2017 (TU Dawei)

-Lecturer from 2017 to now (TU Thanlyin))

-Reviewer ( Autosoft Journal and KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems)


National Paper

1. Design and Development of OFDM Wavelet Domain Diversity based Image Compression (NCSE, Yangon, Oct 2010)

2. Feature Extraction and Classification of Rice Kernels Using Image Processing Analysis (11th NCSE, June 2018)

3. A Cost-effective Way of Detection and Classification of Food Type Using Image Processing Techniques (11th NCSE, June 2018)


International Paper

1. “Implementation of the Wavelet Transformation for   Image Compression System”, (1st ICSE, Dec 2010)

2. “Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Based on Wavelet Packet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks”, (ICCWAMTIP. IEEE, Dec 2014)

3. “A Frame Rate Up-conversion Method Based on Confidence Level”, (Journal ofInformation &Computational Science, Sept, 2015)

4. “Analysis on Feature Extraction and Classification of Rice Kernels for Myanmar Rice Using Image Processing Techniques”, (IJSRP, 2018)

5. “Performance Comparison of Rice Detection based on kNN and ANN Techniques”, (ICSE, 2018)

6. “GLCM and LTP based Classification of Food Types”,

(IJSEA, 2018)

7. “Analysis on Texture and Color Feature Based Classification of Food” (ICSE, 2018)